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Who We Are?


The Join Foundation is a non-profit organization that is empowering youth to break free from the cycle of poverty through an Education and Leadership Program.

Families from underprivileged communities with high rates of crime and violence remain at a disadvantage which transcends generations. However, through education and leadership training the Join Foundation can improve the lives of families and develop bright futures for generations to come.


Extremely poor and violent communities in Guatemala transformed into opportunity hubs for generations to come making sustainable contribution for present and future generations.


Promote the integral growth of families that live in poor and violent communities by providing education and training of leadership with values.

Core Values

Education, when coupled with moral instruction, helps break the cycle of poverty and paves the way to a hope-filled future.
Leadership, positive influence can impact the culture of a community.
Service, leading by example and serving others.
Integrity, Honesty and strong moral principles lead our actions.
Compassion, we seek for the common well-being.
Impact Culture, changing our ways of thinking in order to change our way of living; renewing our minds in order to change the world.

Reach, Embrace And Develop

“Reach those in need, embrace them, and develop bright futures with them.” That’s what Join foundation is about. It is our calling.

Matthew 25:40
“The King will reply,  ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’